2023: 38th ISS

The 38th International Seating Symposium
April 13-15, 2023
Pre-conference workshops: April 11-12, 2023
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Please see above to view the Proceedings of the 38th International Seating Symposium, published in a special issue of Assistive Technology, the official journal of RESNA.
Presentation Recordings
Recordings from the 2023 ISS are available to view on-demand! Content is hosted on the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences’ Continuing Education Platform.
Content has been packaged into courses based on topic area. Registering for a course provides on-demand access to the full bundle: all presentation content, the evaluation, and post-test, allowing you to receive CEUs for the entire bundle. Use the button above to browse courses and find a topic that interests you!